Truth.  Contentment.  Generosity.  Moderation.  Devotion.  Abundance.



These are some of the new ways of being you will experience when you choose to live your life with the heart of a yogi.

Whether you are just getting started or have built a strong practice over time, this course will guide you from foundation to fullness in traditional peak poses by focusing on alignment, intention, mechanics, and breath.  


Each class intention is based on one of the ten ethical disciplines of yoga, bringing greater purpose to your poses. 


Journey into the teachings of Yoga. In this course, we'll explore the Yamas and Niyamas using Nischala Joy Devi's book, The Secret Power of Yoga. Through her translation of the Yoga Sutras we'll learn from a fresh, feminine, accessible, applicable, and inspiring point of view.


Infuse the teachings into your whole being through heart-based, detailed asana instruction that helps you build strength, create optimal alignment, and open to the potential within you for accessing your true nature of harmony and balance. 


Through consistent practice on your mat, you'll begin to take your yoga off the mat and see the world in a transformed way. Truth, contentment, generosity, moderation, devotion, abundance...these are some of the new ways of being you will experience when you choose to live your life with the heart of a yogi/ni.

Watch this 3 minute video for some introductory highlights from the first lesson.

Get started or go deeper in your asana practice and yoga philosophy study. 


What you'll get:

  • Thirteen 75-minute classes with intelligent sequencing for greater posture awareness and success.
  • Expert asana alignment and mechanics instruction with a Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT).
  • Introduction and infusion of Yamas and Niyamas (the ethical disciplines of yoga) for greater understanding and life application.
  • Access all classes for 12 months from date of purchase.
Sign me up!

"I’ve enjoyed reading the Secret Power of Yoga along with this course. It makes the yamas and niyamas much more accessible. Thanks!" --Eve

"What an amazing practice. I love all your classes....but this one for me in my body gets me in touch with all. There was a definite release of some things. The teaching and slowness accessed some things.  thank you Jess." --Julie

"As time passes, I’ve gotten so much better at just being in the moment and not feeling like I have to be done and get going. Today, practicing being content in the pose, was another step. I love your classes Jess! You are an amazing teacher. So glad that you chanced to be in my life!" -- Sam

"Strong foundations continues to be a way for me. It makes me always introspective in a good way." -- Myers

Strong Foundations

Expert Asana Instruction

Inspiring Yoga Philosophy

Full Year of Access