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It's Time to Feel WonderFULL

I have some WonderFULL news for my yoginis out there! 


Nope–that’s not a typo. That is the name of my upcoming retreat, and my hope for all who attend this Women’s Retreat for Full Moon Radiance. 

It’s happening October 27-29, 2023 at the spectacular Retreat Ranch in Marble Falls, Texas. 

I’m over the moon excited about this! 


This weekend retreat is your chance to pause, have some fun, refresh your spirit, and pamper your soul. Beneath October's full moon and surrounded by the beauty of the Texas Hill Country, we will tune into the rhythms of nature with yoga, meditation, labyrinth, and play. Our own personal chef is creating a custom menu for full bellies and nourished bodies. Relaxing wading pools, nature trails, and glamping at its finest makes this retreat a one-of-a-kind experience to remind you just how radiant you are!


Earlier this year, Angela and I went all over the Hill Country seeking out the BEST place to host a retreat, and we found it! The owner is a yoga teacher as well, so the vibes are on point. There is wonder and awe everywhere you look. And what’s more beautiful and auspicious than the October full moon? 


The accommodations are as unique as they are exquisite.  This is glamping at its finest. You can choose from a wide range of experiences, from the sisterhood vibe of the bunkhouse, to the bring-your-besties yurts, to the wanna-go-solo vintage trailers and container villa. When you visit the website, simply click on any lodging and catch a video tour. Careful though–you might disturb those around you when you squeal! 


It’s going to be WonderFULL! 


Creating experiences like this is what lights me up. There is almost nothing more fun to me than having an idea, finding the way to make it happen, and then seeing it manifest in the real world.  


And as I learned last week, this means I have hope.


I always thought hope was a feeling or an emotion. But according to Brené Brown in Atlas of the Heart, hope is a cognitive process. And what I discovered as I dug a little deeper last week, it is a chakra three, a manipura, issue.  It is only possible when three things are present: 

  • The ability to set realistic goals.
  • Flexibility and persistence in finding a way to achieve those goals.
  • The belief that you are capable of making change–you have agency.


These are all power-center issues that the lustrous gem of manipura helps you manifest! 


This week is episode #10 on my podcast Jess on the Mountain: Yoga, Chakras, and Becoming Your Own Guru, I expand on Brené Brown’s definition of hope–what it is, and what it isn’t, and what I realized is true about hope from a chakras perspective. I describe the launching of Cafe Malta through this lens, and come up with some ideas about fostering hope in your own life. 


I hope you listen, share, subscribe, and review. My audience is growing each week , which means more and more people are tuning in to find balance and harmony in their own lives–which is contagious! That’s good news for all of us. 


May you seek and find wonder everywhere, and may you fill to the brim with hope, each and every day.

Much love,


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