Your Yoga To-Do List

It’s finally arrived! The time to take our first born off to college. Needless to say, this has put quite a load on this week’s to-do list. But I didn’t want this week to go by without giving you a yoga to-do list. Not all tasks need to be drudgery!


This week’s podcast episode is the culmination of our “season of delight” on Jess on the Mountain, and the message is essential to your health and wellness. In it, I explore how an open and blooming sahasrara, the crown chakra, involves being part of a community, how as yoga therapists we’re trained to make sure our clients are connected to one, and why it makes such a difference to our overall well being, and a life that is healthy and delightful.

“Sahasrara is where we open to that deep sense of connection to a greater power–whether that’s god, humanity, consciousness, whatever. I’m saying that in many ways, it’s the combination of those present that...

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Celegrieving Back to School

Well, it's back to school time here in Austin, and none too soon. Since it's too hot to enjoy any outdoor activities, it's best to send them back to school, I say! But this year is a little different, as it's filled with bitter-sweet feelings, or, as I've come to call it, celegrieving.  It's a thing. Feel free to use it.


Nate is now 18 and entering his senior year. It simultaneously feels like the right time and where-did-the-time-go. (This is the thing everyone warned me about when he was a toddler, and there's just no escaping it.)  Match that with Havia turning 16 tomorrow, getting her license, and attacking independence like it’s her job, and we have a lot to celegrieve in the Goulding house. Everything with Nate feels like a “last time,” and everything with Havia feels like “So long, suckers!” It’s also exactly what should happen. Nate should finish up living under our roof, and Havia should want to hit the road with the wind...

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