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Seek Bliss for Summer Fun!

Uncategorized Jul 12, 2022

I'm back from a wonderful week with my family at Lake Okoboji, Iowa, our personal definition of heaven.  I had a chance to let stress melt away and lightheartedness seep in.  I read two novels, deepened my tan, and laughed a lot.  It was just what the doctor ordered for this halfway mark in the year.  


I realize the outer world didn't disappear while I was in my vacation cocoon, but where I placed my attention changed and I felt the effects all week. This reminded me of what I was talking about at the start of my June 9 class in Hatha, so if you'll indulge me, I'll share the intention-setting from that class with you here: 


"It's a tough time to open the newspapers and look around. One could easily get dismayed or feel frustrated at the least, depressed at the most.

But here's the thing: we get to choose where we put our attention.  This is not spiritual bypassing. This is actively using our mind in a positive direction.  Where your attention goes, where you choose to place your focus, is where your life force goes.  

Where your attention goes, so goes your prana.

We are not to ignore the world outside--we are to actively participate in it in a balanced and aware way. But also, we can have a little fun! We can do both things because we aim to live in a non-dual mind.  When we don't get attached to one way of being or one thing that should be, we can have a lightness in our hearts and an ease in our being."  


This is my wish for you today.


If you'd like to listen to me speak these words then settle them into your body and breath, you can follow along at my YouTube channel.  What follows is a challenging and fun yoga practice, including a good old-fashioned "L" pose at the wall!  So flip that frown upside down and Seek Bliss for Summer Fun! 


May you pay attention to the direction of your mind, and make sure you direct it towards some lightness and summer fun today.


Much love,


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