I was having a beautiful conversation last night with a dear friend, and she told me something about SCUBA diving that I didn't know. I've never SCUBA-d, so there's a lot that I don't know. But apparently sometimes when you're down there, you can get discombobulated as to what's up, what's down, and right and left.
That sounds horrifying! But there is a way out of that discombobulation:
Follow the bubbles.
Bubbles are always going to go up. So if you're ever wondering what's up, what's down, or you're feeling a little lost, follow the bubbles to the surface.
This got me thinking: what are bubbles anyway? An exhale. And when we exhale and blow bubbles, we don't push it out forcefully. We let it out. It's a relaxation. And the exhale takes longer than the inhale. This is actually a pranayama (controlled breath) that calms the nervous system and activates the Vagus nerve response, taking you to rest and digest, and out of fight or flight.
For clarity of the mind and to cultivate serenity, add a pause at the end of the long exhale. This is called Viloma pranayama. Be in the pause for just a moment or two and notice how you feel there. It can be like reaching the surface and finding safety and ease.
So wherever in your life you're experiencing a struggle: maybe you have a choice to make and you're not sure which one you want to do; maybe you have a next step to take but it's unclear; maybe there's something in your life that's kind of pushing or pulling and you've gotten a little lost in what's my purpose?, then try this breath. Try Viloma pranayama for 5 minutes a day for several days, and see if you feel better and have more clarity. And then let me know ;)
May you find your way to clarity and calm by following the bubbles of your relaxing breath.
Much love ❤️
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