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3 ways I use the chakras as a valuable framework

I hope easing into 2024 has been a breeze for you so far. Today the wind was HIGH in Austin, but I went on my bike ride anyway.  My 35 minute ride took almost an hour! It didn't seem to matter if I downshifted, upshifted, or just decreased the resistance. That wind was going to win, and the windbreaker I was wearing didn't break a thing. 


When I have extra long bike rides I have extra time to think, and these days I'm thinking about chakras a little extra as I prepare for our workshop on Thursday.   


Chakras are part of your subtle body system; your energetic self. You can't see them, but they spin like gears and encounter the world around you and create the world within you. This can be hard to wrap the mind around. I get it. Truth be told, I don't think we have to understand or believe all that to make the chakras, and the study of them, valuable, applicable, and pragmatic.


Here are 3 ways I use the chakras as a valuable framework for deepening awareness and living with intention:


1️⃣ Choosing a theme.  Similar to New Year resolutions, themes help us set the tone for the weeks, months, or year ahead. Unlike a resolution, it can't be broken. There's no failing! Some people like to ponder and think of an intentional theme, some let a theme come to them. Either way is valid! My current theme is Delight, and it comes straight from chakra two. There are many layers to and possibilities within the chakras, but if you're interested in a chakra-based theme for this season in your life, here are some suggestions, going from chakra one to seven:

❀️ Embodiment

🧑 Delight

πŸ’› Empowerment

πŸ’š Loving kindness

🩡 Honest communication

πŸ’™ Education/Learning

πŸ’œ Spiritual practice



2️⃣ Self Study. If you're the self-curious seeker type, the chakras are a beautiful lens for asking questions, reducing projections, and understanding your ego and motivation. If you ever find yourself asking questions like...

~ Why am I not speaking up? 

~ What's behind my anxiety? 

~ Why do I self sabotage my advancement at work? 

~ Why do I keep dating the wrong kind of person? 

...then a little chakra self study could help you find some answers. 


3️⃣ Tools and techniques. There are practices in movement, breath, mantra, meditation, visualization and Ayurveda that can go right to the heart of the matter to help you balance what's out of whack and bring harmony to where dissonance prevails. Simple, yet effective, ancient wisdom and modern science come together to help us cope, heal, and thrive. The chakras can guide us towards which tools and techniques to implement in our daily lives.


So as the wind blew hard against my will (chakra 3) and made my legs burn as they turned, I was thinking (chakra six) about chakras, enjoying the beautiful sky (chakra two), and getting excited to explore this framework with you (chakra four) on Thursday!


May the wind be always at your back! And may your backside be in Get in Gear for the New Year. πŸ˜‰

Much love

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