I see you.
I see you out there stringing lights and standing in lines.
I see you in traffic, slowly progressing to your next errand or appointment.
I see you shopping, wrapping, writing, cooking, calling, planning, emailing, and list making.
I see you missing your loved one this year.
I see you wondering how it will all get done.
It will.
Or it won’t.
This blog usually takes about five minutes to read. That means you have four more minutes of allotted time. Use it to breathe.
Set a timer—-really. Four minutes.
Close your eyes.
Move your attention to your heart space.
Let go.
I’ll wait.
Repeat often.
With much love and holiday support,
PS New on YouTube: Yoga to Reduce Holiday Stress
'Tis the season for time crunches and end-of-year pressures. But not for us! We have the key. The yoga key! This practice is designed to downshift your nervous system, foster presence, and help you feel more at ease during the holiday hustle. Do as much or as little as you can, as often as you like.
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