"Looking for the Good" is a Practice

Do you have a practice around the way you see the world? Are you a glass half full, half empty, or overflowing glass kinda person? Because the way we see things is what dictates how we respond to situations, how we feel about situations, how we think and how we engage with others, it is exceedingly important to investigate, and hopefully improve, the way we see the world. 


When I was doing my yoga teacher training back in NYC in 2003, it was in the lineage of Anusara Yoga, developed by John Friend, who came out of the Iyengar tradition. In this particular way of teaching, there is a great importance placed on the theme of the class. It was a heart-based practice that also had a very strong alignment component. Basically, we were to facilitate awakening the hearts of our students to beauty and grace, and help their whole body, mind, and spirit come into alignment with that awakening. It was a really beautiful style of teaching and learning. 


And it changed the...

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