I had a really interesting encounter last week, and I've been dying to tell you about it! I was a vendor at the fall fashion launch for B.D.F.O. Lifestyle brand. (I highly recommend looking them up and following on social media.) I met lots of interesting people and got to talk chakras with new friends.
One of these new friends is Mia. After doing some chakras Q&A with her, she revealed to me that she is astoic.She said that when she read about the philosophy ofstoicismthat it felt like home to her, and that in fact she believed her grandmother, who raised her, was a stoic. She began to enlighten me with some of the ways of thinking that helps her stay grounded and unaffected by the conditions of the world around her. Here's my favorite:
You can only control two things: what comes out of your mouth, and what you do with your hands.