2021 has been so rich with...experience...that it's hard to believe it's coming to an end. And in this Season of Light, whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, or simply love being surrounded by twinkle lights or connecting to Source, we can think about the image of light during these Holy-days as radiant illumination, guiding us on our path of enlightenment.
I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that this season of light is also a season of busyness. Your to-do list might be longer and your social calendar more full than usual. Yet I encourage you to build in some pauses every day to take a breath and tune in to your Light.
What does this mean? It can mean something different to everyone. For me, it's my soul. I check in with my truest essence, which lives in the darkness of my heart center and shines light throughout. It's a steady glow of Life within me that connects me to you, to Divine, to nature, to my family, to humanity. It's always there, but I don't always notice it or "sit" with it. It feels like steadiness. It feels like quiet joy.
But when I'm too busy, I forget.
So in this season of light shining in the darkness, I am committed to meditating on light every day. My meditations always begin with some chanting, and I am once again chanting the Anusara Invocation:
I bow to the presence of the Divine within
Our true and highest teacher
That lives in and around us as
Being, consciousness and bliss.
It is ever-present and radiates peace
Lighting the way to transformation.
You can use this invocation as a springboard to pondering your soul, your light, your connection to All, and let the joy of the season radiate from you as you turn your attention inward and see that the lights we use to decorate our home pale in comparison to the light of our heart.
And you can join me as we work our way through this invocation in Donation-Based Hatha Yoga in a series titled, "Open to the Light."
There are 9 classes in December and 9 concepts to cover. You might enjoy just the opening talk for each class, or perhaps the centering on your light, the singing of the invocation, and you might just roll out your mat and enjoy 9 yoga classes that will keep you connected to your light through the busiest season of the year.
The invitation is yours. Just sign up at your appropriate donation level and cancel anytime. The joy and peace in the light of your heart is always there. I'm here to guide you to it.
May the light and love of the season sparkle throughout your entire being.
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