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Are you Chakra Savvy?

How tuned in are you to your energetic flow? Do you know when your cups are getting low and you need a refill?  Do you know what I mean by that?


This blog is posting late because my cups got emptied...by poison ivy.  Before last weekend I was rocking and rolling, so excited about our 5 Day Challenge and planning all the fun things I have in store for us. That same strong energy took me from weeding a small area in my back yard to clearing brush and weed trees on the edge of our property.  I was KILLIN’ it!  And I didn’t even notice our 3-leafed friend.  But my body did. And it kinda overreacted. 


I’ll spare you the journey, but it wiped me out.  And I’ll tell you what I’ve learned after many years of pushing through--it’s not worth it.  I’m happy to say as soon as the wave of fatigue hit, I went to the doctor, cancelled all my appointments, and went to bed.  It’s what I needed to do!  My health required it.


So when I ask if you’re tuned in to your energetic flow, I’m asking if you know when and where your cups are low and when and where you are overflowing, and where you are just right.  Do you know where you need to restore and where you can ignite? 


Are you Chakra Savvy?


There is a beautiful system for this knowing, and it’s called the chakra system.  These are the energetic wheels in your ethereal body that, when you tune in to them, can reveal how to restore harmony and where you need balance.  Your body’s health is a Chakra One, foundational level of need that must be addressed before any other areas of your life, if you’re to do it well and in a sustainable way.  


So now that I’m on medication I’m starting to feel better.  My body has support, so now I can turn my energy back to you and the commitment I have to our communication and connection.  


I realize I’m thinking about this experience in these terms because it’s time to teach my Chakra Series again :) 


Over my 15+ years of teaching, my Chakra Series is always my number one request from students, and I won’t let this year go by without once again guiding us through “the architecture of our soul,” as master teacher and author on all things chakras, Anodea Judith, puts it. 


Starting next week (during the 5 - Day Yoga Challenge!) I’m teaching one chakra per class in my Donation-Based Hatha Yoga Classes. Additionally, now through December 6 I have opened up ALL the previous Hatha recordings to support you in the challenge! That’s 18 classes to choose from to do on your time for a limited time.


The chakra series will culminate in an exciting, open to all, co-lab with a dear friend and colleague, Tej Arvind.  She’s a very talented and intuitive Vedic Astrologer and yoga teacher, and this event is sure to give you lots to experience and reflect upon as we prepare to reset our lives for the new year.  So save the date for a fun, informative, and meaningful Planets and Chakras Solstice event on December 20! (And if you win the $50 towards more yoga, it will more than cover the cost of this workshop!)


If you’ve never been exposed to or worked closely with the chakra system, you are going to LOVE it.  Ever since I started looking at my life and my priorities through the lens of the chakras, I am more in tune with and accepting of my life, as well as more empowered to create positive change and achieve lasting results.  If you would like a primer to prepare, or just want to brush up on the wisdom of the system, check out my Chakras Podcast Bundle page.  I’ve simply collected my 7 previous podcast episodes into one convenient place for you to listen.  There is also a beautiful Chakra Savvy Cheat Sheet PDF for you to download and keep so you can have the chakra basics at your fingertips.  


AND, to kick off the last month of 2020 and our Chakra Series, next week I will post a brand new chakras episode on my podcast, Ready, Get Centered, Go! So stay tuned to learn my 7 favorite moves to energize each chakra!  Each one takes 2 minutes or less, and will have you tuning in like a pro in no time.  


If you’re not yet signed up for Hatha but want to do this series, give it a trial run this month for as little as $20. (If you love it, keep it going! If not, simply cancel anytime.) If you realize you love it and want to donate in a more robust way in the future, you can always up your donation level as you see fit.  


So you have a LOT of options for yoga coming up!  What a great way to support yourself in your personal acceptance, growth, and continued care of your physical strength and flexibility. I’m with you all the way!  Here’s your checklist:



  • Listen to the podcast episodes on each chakra and download the Chakra Savvy Chakra Cheat Sheet.


  • Energize each chakra with next week’s podcast episode.


  • Get excited about the Chakra Series kicking off December 1 in Donation-Based Hatha Yoga classes!  (register today if you’re interested in the 7-week journey! Cancel anytime.)


  • Save the date:  December 20 for your Chakras and Planets Solstice event (details coming soon!)


May you tune in to your cups, your energetic warehouses, and honor the times you need to refill and the times you can pour out in a way that maintains balance and harmony in every facet of your life. 


Much love,


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