Today I have a story to share with you about hitting the reset button in your life.
Have you ever had this desire? To just hit a reset button when things are going sideways, or you’re feeling a bit lost or chaotic?
Recently I was doing some parallel play with a dear friend out at her lakehouse. This means we both had work to do, but we’d rather do it together in a beautiful location than apart in our own individual spaces. And there’s a reward for the hard work: floating on a raft with time to chit chat and soak in the summer sun.
So we’re working side by side, I’m on my computer, she’s working on her reflection from a recent retreat she was on, and suddenly she announces, “I just reset my whole calendar for the next year, and I feel fantastic!”
Later, when it was time to float, I learned what had happened. She realized that her life had become chaotic. The boundaries to her time had become porous. She had said yes to things she had wanted to say no to, she was working during vacations, and she had let her self-care routines go to the wayside. She had forgotten her big “why” as to why she left her 9-5 to become an independent consultant in the first place.
She needed a reset!
So she opened her Google calendar and, with intention and purpose, moved the things she could move in order to make her days, weeks, and seasons reflect the desire she had for her life. Essentially, she reset the boundaries of her time, she reset the container, and life was now able to flow with more steadiness and ease-- much less chaos.
Every moment needed its proper purpose, and everyday needed time to work, rest, and play. This takes diligence and discipline, but the rewards are almost immediate!
In fact, she even texted me yesterday to tell me what she had written in her morning journaling (which was part of her reset). She said:
Q: What’s the best time to reset?
A: Now
So if this idea of resetting at all interests you, join me June 10 for the final Life on Purpose: Chakra Yoga for Tuning In and Finding Yours. In this workshop we will
This will be the perfect jumping off point to reset your life according to your highest self and truest desire!
Can't make it in real time? NO WORRIES!
Join the Chakra Savvy: Reset Your Life Game Plan FREE Trial and catch the replay! This is the program that resets lives and changes dreams into reality!
So, may you hit the reset button wherever you need it, and may you be inspired to invest in yourself to live the life you desire, today and everyday.
Much love
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