Alignment Lessons from Balancing Rocks

I am home and happy from a big reset retreat in Chacala, Mexico. Lots to report, so I hope you don't get tired of hearing about it!

The first little moment I wanted to bring home to you is a bit of magic…or so I thought. One early morning when I was heading to the beach to do my morning practice and meditation, I stopped in my tracks as I looked over the rocks that cover the area between the retreat center and the beach. I was stunned. It looked like rocks had literally descended from the sky and stopped to hover millimeters above a rock below it. It was magical! And then I caught sight of a man sitting among them, holding one rock over another, patiently adjusting it until he slowly pulled his hands away to reveal a rock, standing on its smallest point, balancing on the rock below it. It was like beautiful art. 

Turns out, it’s called “rock balancing.” (I do love an it-is-what-it-says-it-is title!)

I stopped him as he was leaving the rock area to ask him what was going on. How did he do that!? And his answers were so simple, and so profound, that I was able to eventually balance a rock and am inspired to apply this wisdom to many facets of life that don’t even involve rocks:

“First, you have to ask permission.”  Yes–from the rock. Ask which rock would like to get a new perspective! One will stand out. Choose that one. (Leave the ones behind who aren’t interested or aren't ready.)

“Everything wants to be in alignment.” Yes–even rocks. 


“Help the rock find its alignment.”  This takes paying attention, going slowly, making tiny adjustments, and finding its “spine.” 


“You have to be in alignment as well.”  If you’re uncomfortable among the rocks and haven’t found your own balance and alignment, you can’t possibly help the rock find its alignment. 


“Gently find the right amount of push and pull until it clicks into balance.”  Often we try too hard, pushing one way too far, pulling away too much. This is a game of the smallest degrees. Be sensitive. 


“The goal is to balance the rocks on two points that allow the most light to come through.” Enough said.

Are you buzzing with life metaphors as well? How will you apply this wisdom in your life? I'd love to hear!

The man explaining this balancing art to me was Michael D'Alton, and he was there leading a group Bio Energy Healing training. I got to see them a bit in action on the beach, focusing on each other and helping each other find their own right alignment, free of negative energy and stuck vibration.  Later, when I was chilaxing in a hammock, one of the practitioners stopped by and started to chat. She was so magnetic and bright, I spontaneously asked her if I could interview her for our podcast, Jess on the Mountain, and she said yes! Her name is Wendy Vickery, and she was happy to tell us about Bio Energy Healing and her personal story of overcoming illness and finding her life’s work and passion.

Listen to Episode 14 to hear all her wisdom bombs and get inspired to truly follow your wise self! (You can also catch it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Amazon Music.)

Needless to say, it was an enlightening week that I'll be drawing inspiration from for months to come.

May you find your right alignment through gentleness and ease, and may you let all the light through that you possibly can.

Much love

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