Three Ways to Support Your Digestion This Season

It’s time to talk about it again: digestion.

Here we are in the treats, sweets, and overindulging season of the year. That’s ok! I’m all about it. And thankfully, there are some great Ayurveda (the science of life and longevity) and yoga techniques to support your gut health and get you through the season feeling good. 

Here’s the three I’m practicing this season:

Walk 100 steps after you eat. 

This is an old Ayurvedic trick to help your digestion process after a meal, reducing bloating, gas, and indigestion.  It’s a helpful guideline–you don’t have to count the steps–but do take a leisurely stroll. Stroll with a soft gaze at the nature around you (if possible) and you get dopamine-boosting bonus points. 

Eat probiotics every day–three if you can!

This has been a game-changer for me. Just adding sauerkraut to my morning eggs has me feeling all sparkly inside from the get-go. A few sips of kombucha at...

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Yoga Tools for Seasonal Change

I'm so happy to say that the Tuesday blog is back! I know I've been posting with some irregularity, and I realized I much prefer regularity and consistency than sporadic communication and haphazard scheduling. Which actually brings me to the theme of this blog, which is yoga tools for navigating change. (You’re going to want to save this one–it’s packed with helpful info.)

The Northern Hemisphere is now in a transition to Fall, and with that comes a change of season in Ayurveda (the sister science of yoga which means "the science of life.") as well. We move into vata season, which has the qualities of cold, dry, windy, and change. This means dry skin, cold wind, and fluctuations in many aspects of life.

The fluctuations and agitations of vata can bring with it changes in digestion, sleep disruptions, and increased anxiety. But thankfully, there are things you can do to mediate these issues! For each of these areas, I'm going to offer you a yoga tool and a lifestyle...

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