Listening for the Whispers

The baby would not, could not, stop crying. She was a sweet little thing of only two weeks old, and her tummy just wasn't having a good flight. Neither was her poor mother, who had only had the job for two weeks.


Boy, do I remember those days...


We were on the flight home from a weekend in Iowa City, Iowa, where Havia (my high school senior) was checking out the University of Iowa. (She, and we, LOVED it, and she's already been accepted to the pre-nursing program there, so go Hawkeyes! We're in!)


Anyway, after listening to the new mom try her best to calm her baby, I just couldn't resist helping out a bit. I could tell it was gas, and I knew she couldn't. How could she? She's new at this! After introducing myself, commiserating a bit, and telling her how well she's doing with the toughest job ever, I suggested she try baby face down with some back rubs. She was grateful, and it worked...for a while. Thankfully, once baby had ramped back up to the ear-piercing...

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Winter Solstice Blessings from Inside My Acorn

Happy Winter Solstice! This is the shortest day of the year for the Northern Hemisphere, or the longest night, depending on how you look at it. I like to focus on the night aspect, because it's the longer nights that create the space for longer silence.


I imagine in the pre-industrial days this time of year was very quiet. Activity quieted down when the sun went down, so more hours to read, sleep, and chitchat by the fire. I've actually been feeling like doing just that ever since an acorn hit me on the head in mid-September while I was walking a labyrinth.


I've been in "Acorn Time," as I've taken to calling it.


Without much warning, rhyme, or reason, my creative drive has slowed down and my productivity is low. And rather than fight it, I've gotten curious about it. I've allowed myself to follow my cravings, whether it's for a nap, a walk, a cookie, or a night out. Despite how awesome all that sounds, because my natural tendency is to plan and produce, this has...

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