Listening for the Whispers

The baby would not, could not, stop crying. She was a sweet little thing of only two weeks old, and her tummy just wasn't having a good flight. Neither was her poor mother, who had only had the job for two weeks.


Boy, do I remember those days...


We were on the flight home from a weekend in Iowa City, Iowa, where Havia (my high school senior) was checking out the University of Iowa. (She, and we, LOVED it, and she's already been accepted to the pre-nursing program there, so go Hawkeyes! We're in!)


Anyway, after listening to the new mom try her best to calm her baby, I just couldn't resist helping out a bit. I could tell it was gas, and I knew she couldn't. How could she? She's new at this! After introducing myself, commiserating a bit, and telling her how well she's doing with the toughest job ever, I suggested she try baby face down with some back rubs. She was grateful, and it worked...for a while. Thankfully, once baby had ramped back up to the ear-piercing kind of scream, a birthing doula came back from a few rows ahead and saved the day. She bounced in the aisle doing all the right things to help baby Aria move that gas, and we were ALL relieved.


I couldn't help but reflect on the seasons of life and times of transitions present there just in our two rows. One brand new mama and baby starting out, getting to know each other, and embarking on a whole life together; Havia and I preparing for her to embark on her own adventures. I wouldn't say it happened in the blink of an eye, but it does seem pretty fast as I look back.


Was I aware of the changes as they came? Did I notice when she stopped coming to our room, scared at night? Was there a certain day she stopped needing me to braid her hair and was able to do it herself? When did she start making travel plans without my help, or buying her own lunch?


I don't know. But I think there were signs. I think there were whispers.


Whispers come to us all the time, and if we're quiet enough we can hear them. Whispers telling us it's time to let go; it's time to embark; it's time to create; it's time to be still. Whispers come even if you can't hear them above the wail of a baby!


Whispers can tell us of a change in season, just like the changing leaves whispering in the cool October breeze.

But we must be quiet to hear it.


So how do you best hear the whispers of change in your life? Do you journal, take walks, practice savasana, meditate, pray, go for a drive, or meander through the woods or a city? I believe we all have a way to tune in, we just need reminders that it's time to do it!


This is why I am hosting Whispers of the Season, a yoga community gathering, on Friday, October 11.


This is YOUR chance to practice with yoga friends under the beautiful canopy of Hill Country Live Oaks, then take some quiet time in nature to listen. I will facilitate with some prompts and suggestions so your time at Five Oak Ranch will be quiet, fulfilling, reflective, and inspiring. Don't worry if this isn't usually "your thing." Unplugging and letting your mind wander and your heart have some peace requires no experience.  You could even just come for the yoga and go on about your day. All is, and all are, welcome. 


May we pause together and listen to the whispers of our lives, beckoning us to our next adventure, or enticing us to be present to now. 

'I hope to see you there.

Much love


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