🎧 Listen to Jess on the Mountain podcast

Go where your spirit calls you

When you want to do or create something, how does it go for you? Sometimes great, sometimes not? Can you tell what is driving your desire to do and create? At any given moment, do you know what you want, why you want it, and where it's coming from? 

This is a path of discernment I've been on for a very long time. I'm constantly asking myself if what I'm doing is to satisfy my ego desire and a drive for success as our culture defines it, or if it is for the highest good and comes from my inner divine spark. 


Does my ego want this, or does my spirit call me to it?


Since being on my "maternity leave," I've continued simply teaching my classes and seeing individual clients in Yoga Therapy and Whole Life Alignment. Without putting time into future plans, blogs, and podcast episodes, I have had the luxury of waiting. I'm waiting to see what's next. The spirit speaks in a whisper and comes in its own sweet time. The ego, on the other hand, is always at the ready,...

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