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How to Delight In Love

I'm happy to report I'm easing back into all the parts of my teaching that I love, including my podcast. This season we are focusing on the theme of delight, and it was truly a delight to get back to recording. Please allow me to share with you about this week's episode of Jess on the Mountain: A podcast about yoga, chakras, and becoming your own guru. 


In the journey of traveling up the mountain of chakras, from base to top, this week we are moving through the heart, where we ask the question,


How do we delight in love?


How does the quality of delight, that rises from the pleasure principle in the second chakra, make its way to the heart so we know that we are loved, are worthy of love, and can love others well?


To love is also to lose, to risk heart ache, to be vulnerable. We have to let go of a lot in order to let love in. I’m not the first to say it: Love is hard. And it’s such a big topic to tackle, I’m going to a trusted...

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Your Body is on My Mind

I hope you don't find the title of this blog post offensive--but it's true! Everything I've been working on these days is highly body-oriented.

You might be thinking, "Well of course, Jess! You're a yoga teacher!" And that's true! But believe it or not, to me the yoga asana (postures) are more of a means to an end than an end themselves. And that's not just my opinion. That's in the texts as well. There is no Yoga Sutra that says,


"True happiness will be found in the perfection of a triangle pose."


You WILL find text that says happiness is found in friendliness, compassion, delight, and equanimity though. (Learn more about the "Locks and Keys" to happiness HERE.) These days, however, I'm thinking about these same words and themes as directed towards the body. Better said, towards my body, or you towards your body.

Considering our body as an entity worthy of loving attention, rather than submission or disregard, is a chakra one, muladhara, issue.

My three...

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