I'm so excited to get back in the yoga studio for the first time since my brief series last summer. I'm going to teach LIVE bodies in REAL time, IN PERSON! And I'm super psyched it will be an opportunity for some yummy fun partner yoga.
Here's what's great about having a teammate on the mat:
1. CONNECTION. Yoga is usually a solitary endeavor, even if you are surrounded by people. This is an opportunity for touch that so many of us are starving for these days. Human touch is integral to health and happiness. I consider touch the antidote to loneliness and the avenue to joy. And we know it works in measurable ways! "Touch strengthens your immune system, improves sleep, reduces stress, and ramps up the body’s production of its natural painkillers." -- Shape.com
2. RELEASE. We carry around so much. We have burdens on our shoulders, tension in our jaw, our...
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