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Maternity Leave for Graduation

I can't believe I haven't posted a blog in over a month now! If you saw this social media post, you know why. If not, here's what I said:


"I’m taking a maternity leave.  I need time and space to process this transition called graduation. πŸ˜’ 🀩 

This maternity leave means being fully invested in mothering the last month of this era. Not only my family, but myself! You can catch me at a Maroons game, planning and attending graduation parties, pulling out photo albums and keepsake boxes, and generally trying to hold it together. And hold Nate tighter. 

You might not catch me in a new podcast episode or on the blog. And that’s ok for now. πŸ’œ

You will catch me in my yoga classes, as they and the students ground and support me as much as I do them.  We ROCK at transitions together. And there’s lots of wise women there who have gone before me. 

To all of you who’ve had your babies graduate, I see there’s really no way to prepare. We just have to walk it. Thanks for leading the way."


This "maternity leave" has been exactly what I needed. My mind is getting clearer and my whole nervous system feels like it has the space to feel the feels and do what needs to be done. (Which, it turns out, is a lot.)

And rest.

I slept so much at the beginning, I thought there was something wrong with me! I'm always a decent napper, but not for one-to-two hours a day. Naturally, this has backed off, and I'm feeling more balanced again and only "power down" as needed. When I vented some of my frustration to Nick, he gave me some words that are getting me through this busy, emotional, and list-filled phase:

"You can't check a box for the ending of an era."

So if you are also in a transition of seasons, experiencing an ending, or shifting into the unknown, I am with you! This isn't a box we check--it's an experience we must live through day-by-day.

All I can say is



Find laughter.

Be present.

Let others help you.

Feel the feelings, and know that they will pass.

Know that you are loved.


Much love,


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