10 Great Reasons for Daily Yoga

Can you believe we're already in the last week of October?  And we all know what that means--once the ghosts are returned to their graves and the candy is secretly stashed away, we are racing towards full-on holiday mode!  This might make you grin, or it might make you shiver.  Either way, I know one thing that helps is yoga.


When you have a daily practice of yoga, several things begin to happen:

1️⃣  Stuff bothers you less.

2️⃣ You have fewer aches and pains.

3️⃣ Your relationships improve.

4️⃣ You feel stronger.

5️⃣ You become more flexible--literally and figuratively.

6️⃣ You experience an increase in self-confidence for showing up for yourself on the daily.

7️⃣ You become more aware of your internal state of temper and emotions.

8️⃣ You walk through the world more mindfully. You are present! 

9️⃣ Joy starts to sneak into the mundane moments of your day.

🔟 Your mat begins to call to you like a dear friend--practice becomes...

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