The Practice of Beholding

I’m talking to friends, family, and students these days, and the theme of rapid change keeps coming up. To some it’s exciting; to others a bit terrifying. Either way, energy is shifting and nervous systems are up! Everyone responds to change differently, and in my podcast these days we’re looking into the many facets of change and some of the typical responses people have to change. Whether change is positive or negative, it can be a pretty big source of stress. 


If, during times of stress and change, you find yourself shifting into fear—worrying about money and resources or experiencing generalized anxiety about safety and security—you may be operating from the shadow energy of the first chakra. Chakra one’s main shadow is fear, which often centers on foundational aspects like money, resources, safety, and family.


So, what do we do when faced with a shadow? We turn on a light.



Just as light counters darkness, we...

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Let the new thing EMERGE

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Embrace Your Journey to Inner Light

This is Natalie from Team Jess! I’m excited to step in as your guest writer for the newsletter this week, while Jess and Nick explore the beautiful and spiritual mysteries of Chartres in France. I can’t wait to hear how this journey inspires Jess and, in turn, how she inspires all of us.


There’s truly nothing quite like a journey to bring us back home to ourselves. Whether it takes us to faraway lands or a nearby sanctuary, every journey has the potential to ignite a spark within us. 


When we take a break from our routines and familiar surroundings, we open ourselves to fresh experiences that can shift our perspectives. Each journey, no matter how short, introduces us to new ideas and landscapes, helping us see the world (and ourselves!) in a vibrant new light. These experiences can awaken creativity and inspire us in unexpected ways.


Journeys offer us countless gifts: moments of reflection, spaces to dream, and opportunities to reconnect...

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My FavoRite R's of Yoga Retreats

There are countless benefits to taking a yoga vacation with an experienced teacher you know and love to a place that is heaven on earth.  Here are my five favorites:



We each carry around several identities.  We wear them in layers around our True Self. They are the labels of our life, like mother, director, husband, employee, caretaker, and leader.  Each label carries with it its own responsibilities and obligations.  When you go on a retreat...they all go away.  You get to be the person you were before you got married, before you had kids, before your time became swallowed up with adulthood.  You get to remember who YOU are, with no strings attached. 



There are “vacations”  there are “trips,”and there are “oblications.” They are all different degrees of fun, and they get you out of normal day-to-day activity.  But afterward, you often need to recover! Rest after a...

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