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How To Make Decisions You Can Believe In

Do you sometimes struggle with making decisions?  I know I do, and there seem to be more and more decisions to make every day.  Sure, we still have the simple ones like what to wear and where to go out to eat. But then there's the bigger ones, like will it be safe?  Do I need to wear a mask?  Should I travel right now?  Is this still the job I want?  What should I tell my loved ones about x, y, z, and will they understand? 

I went to a Hanukkah party recently that made it clear to me we're all still deciding things.  The party was indoor and outdoor.  Some people wore masks, some did not.  Some chose not to come.  Some said "hi" but kept their distance.  And you know what?  All of those decisions were fine and acceptable.  The host family made it clear that all personal decisions were valid and welcome.  They even provided a basket of masks for those who wanted one but didn't have one.  So...

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My Favorite Yoga Tools to Stay Sane Through the Holidays

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing Your Online Yoga Classes

Yoga is everywhere now!  And its presence online is growing.   Now you not only have choices of teachers and styles at your local studio, but also  from the whole WORLD.  So there is a lot to consider!  In this blog post, I aim to help you narrow it down with these

5 questions I suggest you ask yourself when deciding on your online yoga classes.

I go into this in depth in this week's PODCAST , but here's the quickie 5 for you here right now:


1) Why do I get on my mat? Think back to what got you in to yoga in the first place.  Has that changed? What draws you to yoga now? Tune in to the podcast to find out what your fellow students said in response to that question in my survey! 


2) When is the right time of day for me to do my yoga practice?  Maybe this depends on your work schedule, maybe it's when you have energy. Think for a bit and picture your yoga day happy place.



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